Monday, November 16, 2009

History of google

Versi awal algoritma pencarian didasarkan sepenuhnya pada informasi yang disediakan oleh webmaster melalui meta tag pada kode html situs web mereka. Meta tag menyediakan informasi tentang konten yang terkandung pada suatu halaman web dengan serangkaian katakunci (keyword). Sebagian webmaster melakukan manipulasi dengan cara menuliskan katakunci yang tidak sesuai dengan konten situs yang sesungguhnya, sehingga mesin pencari salah menempatkan dan memeringkat situs tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan hasil pencarian menjadi tidak akurat dan menimbulkan kerugian baik bagi mesin pencari maupun bagi pengguna internet yang mengharapkan informasi yang relevan dan berkualitas.

Larry Page dan Sergey Brin, dua mahasiswa doktoral ilmu komputer Universitas Stanford, berusaha mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan membangun Backrub, sebuah mesin pencari sederhana yang mengandalkan perhitungan matematika untuk memeringkat halaman web. Algoritma tersebut, yang dinamakan PageRank, merupakan fungsi matematika yang kompleks berupa kombinasi antara perhitungan jumlah link yang mengarah pada suatu halaman web dengan analisis atas kualitas masing-masing link tersebut. Berdasarkan prinsip kerja PageRank, secara umum bisa dikatakan bahwa halaman web yang memperoleh peringkat tinggi adalah halaman web yang banyak di-link oleh halaman web lain. Nilai PageRank juga akan semakin tinggi apabila halaman web yang mengarah kepadanya juga memiliki kualitas yang tinggi.

Backrub hanyalah sebuah permulaan. Pada tahun 1998 Page dan Brin mendirikan Google yang merupakan versi tingkat lanjut dari Backrub. Dalam waktu singkat Google memperoleh reputasi dan kepercayaan dari publik pengguna internet karena berhasil menyajikan hasil pencarian yang berkualitas (tidak dimanipulasi), cepat, dan relevan. PageRank lantas menjadi standar baik bagi mesin pencari lain maupun bagi webmaster yang berusaha agar situs webnya memperoleh nilai PageRank setinggi mungkin sehingga menempati posisi tertinggi pada hasil pencarian.

Sejak tahun 1997 perusahaan mesin pencari menyadari bahwa beberapa webmaster melakukan segala hal untuk dapat terindeks pada urutan teratas hasil pencarian, termasuk dengan cara-cara yang manipulatif dan ilegal. Infoseek, salah satu mesin pencari generasi pertama, melakukan perbaikan pada algortima mereka untuk mencegah manipulasi dengan meta tag yang tidak relevan.

Bagaimanapun, dalam beberapa hal mesin pencari juga menyadari nilai ekonomi yang besar dari peringkat hasil pencarian, dan mereka terkadang memiliki kepentingan terselubung dari aktivitas perusahaan SEO. Beberapa perusahaan mesin pencari mengirim perwakilan atau menjadi tamu pada event-event rutin yang diselenggarakan komunitas SEO.

Mesin pencari besar seperti Google dan Yahoo! menyediakan program dan panduan yang memungkinkan webmaster mengoptimalkan situsnya agar terindeks dengan baik. Google menyediakan aplikasi Webmaster Tool dan memperkenalkan sitemap berbasis XML standar mereka, sedangkan Yahoo! menyediakan program Site Explorer yang memungkinkan webmaster mendaftarkan URL situs, mengecek jumlah halaman web mereka yang telah terindeks di Yahoo!, dan melihat informasi link masuk. Namun demikian mesin pencari tidak mentolerir metode SEO yang manipulatif dan menghalalkan segala cara.

Dari ulasan di atas kita ketahui bahwa page rank itu berpatokan pada Google. Google menggunakan suatu metoda/algoritma canggih (yang tidak diketahui siapapun) dalam menentukan pentingnya sebuah halaman web. Semakin banyak halaman yang terindeks di dalam search engine itu, maka semakin besarlah peluang atau peringkat/posisi nya. simplenya Page rank mempunyai arti peringkat halaman.

Cara kerja

Sebuah situs akan semakin populer jika semakin banyak situs lain yang meletakan link yang mengarah ke situsnya, dengan asumsi isi/content situs tersebut lebih berguna dari isi/content situs lain. PageRank dihitung dengan skala 1-10.

Contoh: Sebuah situs yang mempunyai Pagerank 9 akan di urutkan lebih dahulu dalam list pencarian Google daripada situs yang mempunyai Pagerank 8 dan kemudian seterusnya yang lebih kecil.

Salah satu algoritma yang di ketahui publik (di publikasikan) adalah:
PR(A) = (1-d) / N + d ( ( PR(T1) / C(T1) ) + … + ( PR(Tn) / C(Tn)))


  • PR(A) adalah Pagerank halaman A
  • PR(T1) adalah Pagerank halaman T1 yang mengacu ke halaman A
  • C(T1) adalah jumlah link keluar (outbound link) pada halaman T1
  • d adalah damping factor yang bisa diberi antara 0 dan 1.
  • N adalah jumlah keseluruhan halaman web (yang terindex oleh google)

Friday, November 13, 2009


Google sekarang telah menjadi search engine yang paling populer untuk menggali informasi yang dibutuhkan di internet. Sekarang bayangkan jika anda ingin membeli ponsel. Anda mungkin akan mencari di Google dengan keyword ” harga handphone nokia ”. Yang muncul di hasil pencarian Google mungkin nama toko ponsel yang memajang harga ponsel tersebut, meski anda belum tentu akan membeli di toko tersebut. Tapi dengan begitu anda akan tahu tentang toko itu, dan hal-hal lain yang mungkin akan menarik minat anda dari toko tersebut. Hal ini membuat orang jadi bernafsu untuk membuat halaman situsnya ada di halaman depan pencarian Google. Karena ada di halaman berikutnya, kecil kemungkinan untuk dilirik. Apa yang menentukan posisi situs anda di pencarian Google?

Google punya suatu algoritma perhitungan yang disebut dengan PageRank (PR). Makin tinggi PR, maka posisi halaman situs anda makin tinggi. PR sendiri memiliki range dari 0-10. Lalu, berapa nilai PR yang dibutuhkan agar halaman anda ada di depan? Jawabannya mungkin sedikit menyebalkan: relatif.

Google menampilkan databasenya berdasarkan kata kunci atau keyword. Seperti contoh di atas, ” harga handphone nokia ”. Berapa banyak situs yang menampilkan harga ponsel dengan merk itu? Mungkin banyak, atau mungkin juga tidak banyak. Kalau banyak, halaman anda bersaing dengan banyak situs lainnya. Artinya, anda mungkin butuh PR yang tinggi. Mungkin 5 bahkan masih kurang. Tapi jika hanya satu-dua yang punya kata kunci seperti itu, anda mungkin hanya butuh PR 1 untuk tampil di depan.

Masih belum jelas? Misalnya halaman situs anda punya kata kunci ” harga handphone nokia ” dengan PR 2. Ada 5 situs lain yang punya kata kunci sama. Masing-masing PR-nya 5, 3, 1, 1 dan 0. Artinya, halaman anda akan muncul di atas yang punya PR 0 dan 1, tapi di bawah PR 3 dan 5. Halaman anda masih punya peluang untuk muncul di halaman depan! Sebaliknya, jika halaman anda punya PR 4, sementara saingan anda ada puluhan. Dan rata-rata PR-nya 4 sampai 7. Halaman anda akan ada di bawah puluhan halaman situs lain. Dan mungkin sekali terlempar dari halaman depan Google Search.

Kemudian akan muncul pertanyaan, bagaimana cara Google memberikan rangking ke halaman kita? Coba kita bayangkan seperti ini.

Misalkan anda menemukan warung makan burjo yang paling enak dan murah. Dan anda merekomendasikan ke teman anda. Kemudian teman anda mencobanya, dan ternyata dia senang. Karena suka, teman anda merekomendasikan ke teman yang lain, dan makin banyak yang menyukainya dan merekomendasikannya, maka warung makan burjo itu jadi makin populer.

Pagerank juga bekerja seperti itu. Makin banyak yang merekomendasikan satu halaman situs, maka Google akan menganggap halaman itu makin penting. Ini yang ditunjukkan dengan PR. Bagaimana cara orang merekomendasikan situs? Dengan link. Orang banyak merekomendasikan situs dengan memberikan link melalui email, mailing list, forum, website, dan blog. Makin banyak link yang ditemukan, makin tinggi PR halaman anda.

Artinya, jika situs anda memang berbobot dan disukai orang, sebetulnya anda tidak perlu berpikir tentang cara meningkatkan PR. Justru rasanya berusaha meningkatkan PR dengan memasang link dimana-mana, termasuk dengan membayar di situs populer, agak curang dan dapat merugikan. Artinya anda berusaha membuat situs anda tampak populer, meski tidak banyak yang merekomendasikannya.

Pada akhirnya, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas harus diutamakan. Jika anda menjual content, content anda harus bermutu agar disukai orang. Jika anda mempromosikan usaha anda, usahakan reputasi usaha anda bagus, agar direkomendasikan orang. Toh, jika anda ngetop lewat Google search tanpa memperhatikan mutu situs dan usaha anda, tidak ada gunanya jika mereka kecewa dengan apa yang anda berikan.

Search Engine

Search Engine (=Mesin Pencari) adalah sebuah program yang didisain untuk membaca kumpulan kata-kata yang diambil dari situs-situs web. Biasanya sebuah software (dikenal sebagai robot/spider) ditugaskan untuk membaca seluruh atau sebagian kata-kata di sana (mungkin juga mengikuti links yang ada di situs tersebut). Hasilnya akan disimpan di dalam sebuah indeks. Selain itu, Search Engine juga memperoleh keberadaan sebuah situs dari URL yang disubmit oleh pemiliknya. Beberapa waktu kemudian, robot/spider akan membaca situs tersebut dan hasilnya akan disimpan ke dalam indeks. Indeks inilah yang digunakan Search Engine untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan.

Spider, robot ataupun web crawler menelusuri internet dengan membaca historical list (misalnya dari daftar server yang ada di internet), kemudian membuat rangking diantara situs-situsnya. Berdasarkan urutan inilah spider menjelajah internet.
Search Engine melakukan pengindeksan berdasarkan apa yang ada di situs (natural language). Tidak ada penyaringan lagi (kecuali untuk Meta Tag). Karena itulah search engine paling tepat jika digunakan untuk mencari informasi/konsep yang sudah jelas terdefinisi dan konsep tersebut sudah banyak digunakan. Kita tinggal menyebutkan konsep/istilahnya, kemudian search engine akan memberitahu dimana konsep itu berada. Namun ada juga search engine yang memiliki fasilitas tambahan, seperti Excite yang memiliki fasilitas penggunaan sinonim. Jadi, bila Anda mencari informasi cycling, Excite juga akan mencari bicycling Di lain pihak, search engine juga memiliki informasi yang sudah tidak up-to-date lagi. Penyebabnya adalah search engine belum melakukan pengecekan ulang lagi. Keterbatasan search engine lainnya: tidak dapat memberikan informasi on-the-fly (yang dibuat karena eksekusi program).

Faktor-faktor yang menentukan kehandalan Search Engine :
1. Ukuran database: Banyaknya URL dan kata-kata yang diindeks.
2. Jenis Resource yang diliput: Apakah hanya informasi dari web atau termasuk newsgroup dan ftp
3. Kedalaman Pengindeksan: Tidak mungkin seluruh internet bisa diindeks. Oleh karena itu, beberapa spider hanya membatasi pengindeksan untuk beberapa dokumen dalam satu situs. Ada juga yang hanya mencatat paragraf pertama, halaman pertama atau hanya 100 kata pertama.
4. Fasilitas : Kini search engine berlomba menawarkan penggunaan yang termudah. Mereka pun kini berlomba-lomba untuk menambah fasilitasfasilitasnya yang lain.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

time to beginning

blom tahu neh,,, mau nulis apaan .. masih blank neh mau nulis apaan,

ato dari teman-teman ada yg mau d request untuk di uploadkan,,, kirim aja ke alamat e-mail ini

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Xarxa Sofa: More Cushion than Pushin’

It was about time a designer found a way to eliminate the hard “chair” part of the chair, and Spanish designer Marti Guixé developed the Xarxa Sofa for the Italian brand Danese with just that intention. Configured around a hidden wooden seat and buttressed by slim metal arcs, the Xarxa Sofa consists most prominently of five gigantic pillows which can be rearranged and restructured as necessary to accommodate how you feel like relaxing. In fact, you can just as easily adjust it as take it apart to use the pillows elsewhere. Overall, it’s a cool chair that pretty much cuts to the chase and gives us exactly what we want: all pillows, all the time.

xarxa 01 The Xarxa Sofa: More Cushion than Pushin’

xarxa 02 The Xarxa Sofa: More Cushion than Pushin’

source :

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Taking Shelving Design to a New Level : Shelf in the Wind

The designer Olivia Bradateanu took design of shelving to new levels with this new design called “Shelf in the Wind”. This design came from the idea : “What if a simple shelf moved with the breeze that enters the front door?” Poetry in design is explored by studying the transformative properties of the wind and applying them to a common piece of furniture that typically does not communicate above a functional level. The result is a whimsical hardwood shelf that appears to be blowing away or transforming into something else, depending on the viewer’s interpretation. – Via – Hometone

a shelf in the wind Taking Shelving Design to a New Level : Shelf in the Winda shelf in the wind2 Taking Shelving Design to a New Level : Shelf in the Wind

source :

Monday, May 18, 2009

Trik Pemberian Effect pada Facebook

Trik ini aku dapat dari teman kosku, namanya Ali. Pas internet lagi nyebelin neh, buka google aja nunggu ampe 15 menit. Ya udah, Ali datang k kamarku, kita share dapat deh trik dari dia.
Trik yang aku mau bagi cuma sederhana aja, mumpung lagi pada senang ama facebook, jadi trik ini buat pengguna facebook, langsung aja kali ya :

1. Klik d background facebook yang warnanya putih, sebelah kanan ato sebelah kiri, kliknya sekali aja. Kan namanya d klik.
2. Habis tuh, d keyboard tekan 2 kali arah atas ↑↑.
3. Tekan 2 kali juga arah bawah ↓↓ pada keyboard.
4. Arah ke kiri ← 1 x.
5. Arah kanan → 1 x.
6. Ulang lagi arah ke kiri ← 1 x.
7. Arah kanan → 1 x.
8. Baru tekan huruf “B” ama “A”
9. Terahkir tekan “Enter”

Mudah kan triknya mat coba ya,, kalo dah gak mau d gunakan ya login ulang aja biar hilang effectnya,,, oke untuk bulan ini, Cuma ini trik yang bisa aku berikan tunggu trik berikutnya.. ok coy

Friday, May 1, 2009

7 Alasan Utama Mempromosikan Suatu Bisnis Melalui Internet

Walaupun anda sudah memiliki bisnis offline sendiri,mempromosikan bisnis anda melalui internet tetap PENTING.Karena hal ini yang akan membuat anda selangkah lebih majudaripada kompetitor. Bahkan juga bisa melipat gandakankeuntungan anda. Mengapa begitu?Karena internet memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan berikut ini:
  1. Siap Sedia 24 JamTidak seperti praktek bisnis offline lain yang layanannyatergantung pada hari kerja dan jam kerja, web site andabisa selalu siap sedia 24 jam serta bisa diakses oleh pelanggandari mana saja dan kapan saja.
  2. Menjangkau Pangsa Pasar Yang TertargetMelalui promosi online, anda bisa secara efektif memasarkanbisnis berdasarkan pangsa pasar yang ditargetkan. Baik dari segiarea, minat, kebutuhan pelanggan, bahasa, dan lain-lain.
  3. Mengangkat Citra Bisnis andaDengan memiliki sebuah web site, citra (image) bisnis andabisa terangkat. Walau bisnis anda tidak besar, tetapimelalui kehadiran secara online, citra bisnis anda akanterangkat dibandingkan kompetitor lain dan bisa bersaingdengan perusahaan besar.
  4. Biaya Pemasaran Yang Lebih Efektif Dan EfisienKarena pemasaran melalui internet sangat tertarget dan biayarelatif lebih rendah dibanding pemasaran offline, sehingga biayayang dikeluarkan untuk pemasarannya juga lebih efektif dan efisien.
  5. Memposisikan Bisnis anda Di Masa DepanSemakin hari, semakin banyak bisnis yang hadir secara online.Demikian juga kompetitor anda. Kalau tidak sekarang,kelak pun mereka akan menghadirkan bisnisnya melalui internet.Karena itu, kehadiran situs bisnis anda di internet,setidaknya telah menolong memposisikan bisnis andadi masa depan.
  6. Mempermudah anda Dalam Membangun Hubungan BaikDengan Pelanggan.Karena internet adalah media yang interaktif, anda denganmudah menjalin komunikasi dan menjaga hubungan baik denganpelanggan. Baik itu melalui newsletter, kotak saran, survey /polling, forum,dll. Kelebihan macam-macam perangkat ini, Andabisa melayani banyak pelanggan dalam satu waktu. Lebih hematwaktu, tenaga dan biaya, bukan ?! :-)
  7. Sistem Otomatisasi Yang ResponsifMelalui sistem otomatisasi, web site anda bisa memberikanrespon dengan cepat jika datang pesanan atau permintaaninformasi bisnis anda yang lebih lengkap dari pelanggan.Di jaman yang serba instan ini, kecepatan layanan adalahmutlak, bukan?! :-)

kiriman dari :

Friday, April 24, 2009


The process of gas exchange in the body, called respiration, has three basic steps :

  1. Pulmonary ventilation (pulmon- = lung), or breathing, is the inhalation (inflow) and exhalation (outflow) of air between the atmosphore and the alveoli of the lungs.
  2. External (pulmonary) respiration is the exchange of gases between the alveoli of the lungs and the blood in pulmonary capillaries across the respiratory membrane. In the process, pulmonary capillary blood gains O2 and loses CO.
  3. Internal (tissue) respiration is the exchange of gases between blood in systemic capillaries and tissue cells. In this step the blood loses O2 and give off CO2 during the production of ATP are termed cellular respiration .

In pulmonary ventilation, air flows between the atmosphere and the alveoli of the lungs because of alternating pressure differences created by contraction and relaxation of respiratory muscles. The rate of airflow and the amount of effort needed for breathing is also influenced by alveolar surface tension compliance of the lungs, and airway resistance.

Blood Supply to the Lungs

The lungs receive blood via two sets of arteries : pulmonary arteries and bronchial arteries. Deoxygenated blood passed through the pulmonary trunk, which divides into a left pulmonary artery that enters the left lung and a right pulmonary artery that enters the right lung. (The pulmonary arteries are the only arteries in the body that carry deoxygenated blood). Return of the oxygenated blood to the heart occurs by way of the four pulmonary veins, which drain into the left atrium.

A unique feature of pulmonary blood vesels is their constriction in response to localized hypoxia (low O2 level). In all other body tissues, hypoxia diverts pulmonary blood from poorly ventilated areas of the lungs to well ventilated regions. This phenomenon is known as ventilation perfusion coupling because the perfusion (blood flow) to each area of the lungs matches the extent of ventilation (airflow) to alveoli in that area.

Bronchial arteries, which branch from the aorta, deliver oxygenated blood to the lungs. This blood mainly perfuses the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles. Connections exist between branches of the bronchial arteries and branches of the pulmonary arteries, however, and most blood returns to the heart via pulmonary veins. Some blood, however, drains into bronchial veins, branches of the azygos system, and returns to the heart via the superior vena cava.


Around the circumference of the alveolar ducts are numerous avlveoli and alveolar sacs. Aan alveolus (al-VĒ-ō-lus) is a cup shaped outpouching lined by simple squamos epithelium and support by a thin basement membrance; an alveolar sac consist of two or more alveoli that share a common opening . The walls of alveoli consist of two types of alveolar epithelial cells .

The more numerous type I alveolar cells are simple squamous epithelial cells that form a nearly continuous lining of the alveolar wall. Type II alveolar cells, also called septall cells, are fewer in number and are found between type I alveolar cells. Then thin type I alveolar cells are the main sites of gas exchange. Type II alveolar cells, rounded or cuboidal epithelial cells with free surfaces containing microvilli, secrete alveolar fluid, which keeps the surface between the cells and their air moist. Included in the alveolar fluid is surfactant (sur-FAK-tant), a complex mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins. Surfactant lowers the surface tension of alveolar fluid, which reduces the tendency of alveoli to collapse (described later).

Asscciated with the alveolar wall are alveolar macrophages (dust cells), phagocytes that remove fine dust particles and other debris from the alveolar spaces. Also present are fibroblasts that produce reticular and elastic fibers. Underlying the layer of type I alveolar cells is an elastic basement membrane. On the outer surface of the alveoli, the lobule’s arteriole and venule disperse into a network of blood capillaries (see Figure 23.11a) that consist of a single layer of endothelial cells and basement membrane.

The exchange of O2 and CO2 between the air spaces in the lungs and the blood takes place by diffusion across the alveolar and capillary walls,which together form the respiratory membrane. Extending from the alveolar air space to blood plasma, the respiratory membrane consists of four layers :

  1. A layer of type I and II alveolar cells and associated alveolar macrophages that constitutes the alveolar wall.
  2. An epithelial basement membrane underlying the alveolar wall.
  3. A capillary basement membrane that is often fused to the epithelial basement membrane.
  4. The capillary endothelium

Despite having several layers, the respiratory membrane is very thin- only 0.5 µm thick, about one-sixteenth the diameter of a red blood cell – to allow rapid diffusion of gases. It has been estimated that the lungs contain 300 million alveoli, providing an immense surface area of 70m­­2(750ft2) – about the size of a racquetball court – for gas exchange.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Google Set To Change Ranking Algorithm

Blackhat SEO spammers force Google’s hand

Google is set to make changes to its search ranking algorithm to combat the spate of links leading to malicious web pages appearing at the top of Google’s search results, according to an inside source.

Malicious Links
Over the past few months, cybercriminals have been using blackhat SEO techniques to manipulate search rankings. When it first began, they were marginally successful at following Google Trends to find buzzy search queries and elevating a newly created targeted webpage.

But after a short period of time, these same gangs appear to have become disturbingly effective. Last week, when researching a news story, I found the top five results all led to fake scareware pages.

Obviously if Google fails to do something about this manipulation, users will lose trust and the good ole days of Google will be over fast. A Googler speaking on condition of anonymity told WebProNews a ranking change is pending that tackles spam of this kind. Once the change goes live, users shouldn’t see it “nearly as often.”

A report from security company PandaLabs identified over a million links targeting malicious webpages ranking for auto part searches. Google noted that many of the phrases mentioned in the report were rare. A phrase like [1989 Nissan Pickup Truck Engine Check Light Troubleshooting], for example, only appears on attack sites set up by spammers, which explains why Google brought back so many attack sites in response to it and similar queries.

Google's response seems also an admission of how difficult it is to provide fresh, timely search results while simultaneously combating spammers. Part of the appeal of Twitter to many people is the platform’s ability to provide real-time information; the live Web works remarkably well there so far because Twitter’s set up isn’t very conducive to spam (yet). At least Twitter has to some extent control over accounts.

Google, on the other hand, cannot control for content appearing on the Web at large, and historically its famous algorithm performed better than any other at weeding out spammy webpages and malicious results. Unfortunately, that was a version of the Web that was more static. The live Web presents entirely new challenges manifesting as the first major weakness the search engine has faced.

The company naturally didn’t have a comment on the recently pondered “link velocity” ranking factor. Search engine optimization experts have identified the speed at which organic links appear as a possible important influence.

Link velocity therefore aids in explaining how blackhatters were able to manipulate search results by dropping enormous amounts of link spam into comment and discussion areas of social sites. The freshness or buzzy nature of a query also aided in this pursuit, and cybercriminals merely have to follow Google Trends and Google News to know which keywords and phrases to target.

source :

Friday, March 13, 2009

Kunci dan Soal Prediksi IPA UN SMP 2009

Untuk Prediksi Soal Matematika UAN SMA 2009 dapat di download melalui link berikut:


Jika masih ada yang anda butuhkan mengenai soal atau prediksi UN, silahkan meninggalkan pesan agar saya bisa membantu mencari....

terima kasih

Prediksi Matematika UN SMP 2009

Untuk Prediksi Soal Matematika UAN SMA 2009 dapat di download melalui link berikut:


Jika masih ada yang anda butuhkan mengenai soal atau prediksi UN, silahkan meninggalkan pesan agar saya bisa membantu mencari....

terima kasih

Prediksi Matematika UN SMA 2009

Untuk Prediksi Soal Matematika UAN SMA 2009 dapat di download melalui link berikut:


Jika masih ada yang anda butuhkan mengenai soal atau prediksi UN, silahkan meninggalkan pesan agar saya bisa membantu mencari....

terima kasih

Prediksi Kimia UN SMA 2009

Untuk Prediksi Soal Kimia UAN SMA 2009 dapat di download melalui link berikut:


Jika masih ada yang anda butuhkan mengenai soal atau prediksi UN, silahkan meninggalkan pesan agar saya bisa membantu mencari....

terima kasih

Prediksi Fisika UN SMA 2009

Untuk Prediksi Soal Fisika UAN SMA 2009 dapat di download melalui link berikut:


Jika masih ada yang anda butuhkan mengenai soal atau prediksi UN, silahkan meninggalkan pesan agar saya bisa membantu mencari....

terima kasih

Prediksi soal UN matematika 2008 untuk SMU

Untuk mendowload file ini, silahkan anda clik disini

jika ada yang dibutukhan tentang matematika, silahkan anda meninggalkan pesan agar saya bisa mencarikan file yang anda butuhkan...

terima kasih...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Student lost study award

Widjaja kept his parents in the dark
By Sujin Thomas

Widjaja was given a teary farewell at the Mandai Crematorium.

THE Nanyang Technological University student who stabbed his professor and later fell to his death on Monday had his scholarship revoked just two weeks ago. An NTU spokesman confirmed in an e-mail statement to The Straits Times yesterday that David Hartanto Widjaja's Asean Scholarship was terminated last month.


However, Widjaja kept his parents in the dark about it, despite having had frequent conversations with his mother over the past fortnight. On Monday, the 21-year-old knifed Associate Professor Chan Kap Luk, 45, in the back during a discussion in his office, then slit his own wrists before fleeing and falling four floors to his death.

The Indonesian Embassy's First Secretary, Mr Yayan G. H. Mulyana, told The Straits Times: 'From what David's mother told me, he had always said that there were no problems with his scholarship.' Most of his friends were also in the dark. Many who were interviewed yesterday said they thought he was doing well in his studies.

'I didn't know that he had lost his scholarship. We never expected him to do something like this,' said one, a fourth-year mechanical and production engineering student who refused to be named. Yesterday, Widjaja was given a teary farewell at the Mandai Crematorium.

In attendance were his parents and elder brother, who flew in from Jakarta on Monday evening. About 100 NTU students and staff, including the university's president, Dr Su Guaning, also attended the short Buddhist funeral ceremony.

source :

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Afghanistan, trade on table as Obama visits Canada

OTTAWA, Ontario (CNN) -- President Obama touched down in Canada on Thursday in his first foreign trip as head of state.

Trucks wait at an oil sands site in Alberta in 2007. Obama has environmental concerns about the sands.

Trucks wait at an oil sands site in Alberta in 2007. Obama has environmental concerns about the sands.

And though he enjoys an 81 percent approval rating north of the border, Obama is expected to tackle several explosive issues with America's largest trading partner.

• The war in Afghanistan: Canada has about 2,800 troops in Afghanistan, but Parliament has voted to pull them out by 2011.At the same time, Obama has approved a significant increase in U.S. troops in Afghanistan, bringing the total there to 55,000. View a chart of U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan »

Obama said he will take up the issue of Canada's troop withdrawal with Prime Minister Stephen Harper when the two meet in Ottawa. Video Watch what Obama will tackle in Canada »

"My hope is that in conversations that I have with Prime Minister Harper, that he and I end up seeing the importance of a comprehensive strategy, and one that ultimately the people of Canada can support, as well as the people of the United States can support," he told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on Tuesday. Video Watch more on the U.S. efforts in Afghanistan »

• A "Buy American" clause in Washington's economic stimulus package: Canadians worry about protectionism because of a provision in the package that requires the use of U.S.-produced iron, steel and other manufactured goods in public works projects paid for by the $787 billion package. "[There is] a lot of concern in Canada that [the provision] is going to cut Canadian firms out, especially in the steel area," said Peter Mansbridge, the anchor of CBC's "The National." Administration officials altered the language in the final version of the stimulus bill to ensure the provision will not trump existing trade agreements. Canadian companies will therefore still have the chance to sell products used in stimulus-funded projects. Canadian government officials, however, perceive the provision as indicative of rising protectionist sentiment in the United States that could potentially spark a trade war and, in their opinion, deepen the global economic crisis. The Canadian government says more than 7 million American jobs directly depend on trade with Canada.

• The environmental effect of Canadian oil: Obama has said he is concerned about the effect on the environment of the oil sands operation in Alberta, in western Canada. " What we know is that oil sands creates a big carbon footprint. So the dilemma that Canada faces, the United States faces, and China and the entire world faces is how do we obtain the energy that we need to grow our economies in a way that is not rapidly accelerating climate change," Obama said in his CBC interview.

Experts have said that producing a barrel of oil from sand creates three times the emissions of a conventional barrel of oil. The oil sands have made Canada the top foreign supplier of crude oil to the United States. The administration of President George W. Bush viewed Canada's reserves as one way to end U.S. dependence on Middle East oil.

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Obama Stimulus Saves Microsoft Billionaire Hundreds Of Millions

(See Also: Sir Allen Stanford's Circle of Friends)

Billionaire Paul Allen is a Microsoft cofounder, the owner of the NFL's Seattle Seahawks and the owner of the NBA's Portland Trailblazers.

And, thanks to the stimulus bill President Obama signed this week, he's also about to be as much as a billion dollars richer.

Here's how:

  • Allen owns a majority stake in cable provider Charter Communications.
  • Charter Communications this month said it would reduce its debt load by $8 billion and enter Chapter 11.
  • Normally, partners at a firm like Charter Communications would have to pay taxes on the amount of debt forgiven in this process, which is, in a sense a one-time income windfall. Tax law calls it a "deemed distribution."
  • But under the new bill, companies like Charter Communications will be able to avoid paying taxes on forgiven debt until 2014. Even then, Paul will have until 2018 to pay it completely off.
  • Paul owns about half of Charter, so his share of the Charter Commuincations' $8 billion debt forgiveness is around $4 billion. At a tax rate of 25%, Allen could avoid paying as much as $1 billion in taxes until 2014, tax expert Robert Willens told the WSJ.

Not clear how a corporate tax benefit would be passed through to Paul's personal tax payments? A reader informs us:

"It's not a 'corporate tax' since it's a partnership rather than a corporation. The partners pay tax on their share of a partnerships income, which is why partnerships are referred to as "pass-through" entities."

For what it's worth, one of Paul's representatives told the WSJ the billionaire didn't lobby for the windfall. It just fell into his lap, lucky dog.

So what will Paul do with that money until 2014? Invest it in technology that reduces our dependence on foreign oil and creates new "green collar" jobs for America, per the goals of Obama's stimulus plan, of course.

Or maybe Paul could buy a new boat! Here are the two he already owns:

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Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL search up; Google down

by Dawn Kawamoto

Yahoo, Microsoft, and AOL each carved out a little more U.S. search market share in January, but Google still had the biggest piece of the pie, according to a report Wednesday by ComScore.

Yahoo Web sites accounted for 21 percent of the market (up half a percent) compared to the month before, while Microsoft grabbed an 8.5 percent slice (up 0.2 percent), and AOL nabbed 3.9 percent of the market (a 0.1 percent increase).

Google, while still holding the largest slice of the market by far, accounted for 63 percent of the search industry in January, down half a percent.

One interesting observation from Silicon Alley Insider is Yahoo's consecutive five-month run in posting modest monthly gains in U.S. search market share.

In August, for example, Yahoo's market share stood at 19.7 percent, according to SIA. But in the past five months, it has steadily grown, garnering more than a 1 point increase during that time.

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Intel SLI vs. Nvidia SLI

HOW MUCH is the NF200 chip worth to your PC? Future Looks is comparing SLI with and without the Nvidia SLI chip. The whole experience shows little gain in standard SLI, in favour of Nvidia's solution. There's little to get excited unless you go for Tri-SLI. Kingston's HyperX T1 tri-channel 3GB and 6GB kits are on review at Legit Reviews. This is rated DDR3-2000 for Core i7 operation and uses some fancy new aluminium heatsinks to keep things cool.

OCaholic is reviewing a Zalman CPU cooler, the CNPS9900 LED. You'll be shocked at how much heat this shaves off the CPU. Mouse pads won't keep you awake at night, but some gamers need the extra slide for their sniping. Enter the Slidamat Platinum R, on review at XS Reviews.Legion Hardware is a bit disappointed with the Asus Extreme HD 4870 X2 TOP. For all Asus' reputation, it fails to deliver on something novel.

XBit Labs gathered some 320GB 2.5-inch HDDs. Hitachi, Fujitsu and Seagate have their pros and cons, and none get to trump the others in benchmarks.Techware Labs is going over an Asus S101 netbook. This one comes with a 64GB SSD which gives it a little boost in boot times and... price.Bit Tech has written up a guide to TIM - or thermal interface material for you there in the back. Personally we prefer the credit card approach over the "finger in a plastic film".

Metku Mods is reviewing Swiftech's H20-220 Apex Ultima Plus. This is the company's top-range kit in the liquid cooling business, and it performs that way...

If you're in the business of merchandising/customisation, you might like the DV Hardware article about PromoLocker and their Custom USB drives. Tom's Hardware Store is testing a bunch of SDHC cards and proving that the Speed Class convention is moot. Some interesting things you can do with these, like installing an OS, or running portable apps...

OCIA is testing the Cooler Master Storm Sniper PC case. Lots of airflow and an affordable price gave it OCIA's top award. Ninjalane is reviewing the Sapphire HD 4670 with GDDR4 memory. Great value and low power in this card, says William. If not for geekish curiousity, IT Reviews has a 2-pager on Dell's PowerEdge R900, 24-core Xeon server. A mere £17454...

Hot Hardware is playing around with a Toshiba Qosmio X305-Q725 gaming notebook. Chunky plastic look aside, it harbours some impressive hardware. OCZ's Vertex SSD is under scrutiny at PC Perps. These SSDs break in a custom ARM-based controller and RAM for caching, to good effect, says Ryan.

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WD 2TB hard drive gets shiny new coat

Now comes in external NAS flavour

HOT ON THE HEELS OF THE WORLD'S FIRST 2TB internal drive, Western Digital has followed suit with a network-capable external version.

The My Book World Edition features gigabit ethernet connectivity and can act as a media server for DLNA-compliant devices. A USB port allows the addition of further storage.

A 1TB version is available right now for around £170 and the 2TB big brother is expected to turn up later this month sporting a £370 price tag.

The drives are capable of automatic incremental backups and work out of the box with Macs and PCs. µ


Click here to find out more!

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T-Mobile offers special $50 unlimited wireless plan

T-Mobile USA, the fourth largest cell phone operator in the U.S., is launching new service promotions in an effort to keep long-term customers and attract new ones.

The company plans to offer a special $50 per month unlimited voice service plan to its long-time customers in San Francisco. And it will also offer new customers who switch from a competitor a $135 rebate, Reuters news service reported Thursday.

T-Mobile's new plan will only be available to customers who have used its service for 22 months or more, according to a T-Mobile representative who talked to Reuters.

The new promotions come as T-Mobile faces stiff competition from the three other major cell phone operators in the U.S. During the fourth quarter, AT&T and Verizon each added customers. AT&T added 2.1 million customers, including 1.9 million iPhone users. And Verizon added about 1.4 million new subscribers in the fourth quarter.

T-Mobile USA added customers too during the fourth quarter, but at a much slower rate. The company only added 621,000 new customers. This was down from the previous quarter when the company added 670,000 new subscribers. And it was down considerably from a year earlier when it added 951,000 subscribers in the fourth quarter of 2007.

The bulk of T-Mobile's new subscribers came from pre-paid accounts, as the total number of customers signing up for contracts slowed compared to previous quarters.

Meanwhile, Sprint Nextel, which reported fourth quarter earnings on Thursday, continued to lose customers, shedding a total of 1.3 million customers during the quarter.

The results from the four major carriers suggests that higher value customers, who enter contracts and generally generate more revenue per month, are gravitating toward the two biggest carriers rather than T-Mobile or Sprint.

T-Mobile and Sprint seem to be duking it out for value customers, which is where these new promotions from T-Mobile are targeted. In fact, it looks as if T-Mobile's new promotions may be in response to a new plan that Sprint's prepaid brand Boost Mobile launched in January. Boost is offering an unlimited mobile plan for $50 a month. During Sprint's quarterly conference call on Thursday, executives for Sprint said the service is off to a good start.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mona Lisa Chair

by Michael

Designed by a Korean designed named Kwang Hoo Lee the Mona Lisa Chair is a concept—chair that can be transformed into wall art to save space. The chair doesn’t looks to comfortable and I think that this design was just created to get some attention. What do you think ? - Via


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The Reason HTPC Makes Sense (Now)

by Chris Angelini

The Reason HTPC Makes Sense (Now)

As mentioned, our previous objection to a PC in the living room was its redundancy, especially in the face of modern networked gaming consoles designed to be there. Why bother booting a PC to watch a DVD when the PS3 has Blu-ray functionality built-in? Why bother booting a PC to record a TV show when so many services include their own DVR as part of your monthly package anyway? Why bother booting a PC to listen to .mp3s when your console is already wirelessly connected to the whole collection?

But as soon as we got Maui into a living room, it became clear that this can not only be a play on enhancing the functionality of your entertainment center, but also on saving money. There’s no longer a need for redundancy, if you don’t want it. The HTPC we’re building here can take the place of your CD/DVD player with a built-in Blu-ray drive. It can displace your console with the help of an add-in graphics card. It can almost nudge your DVR out of the way, thanks to AMD’s TV Wonder card with dual tuners. And—most important—it’s able to displace your amplifier with its own 5 x 100 W PCI Express card. Or install the optional seven-channel pre-amp and use an existing amp to drive your non-powered surround sound speaker system.

Our Maui box, turned sideways so its cables would reach far enough...

Our Maui box, turned sideways so its cables would reach far enough...

Hardware is only one half of the picture. We’ve also seen software take a huge stride forward.

It’s true that there’s plenty to like about a Playstation linked up to a home’s media server with access to music, movies, and pictures—in addition to its core competencies as a gaming platform and Blu-ray player. But the console isn’t perfect. If you’re not meticulous about keeping your media organized, trying to find your favorite tunes on the PS3 can quickly become frustrating.

In contrast, the Media Center software built into Microsoft’s Windows 7 beta does a beautiful job of tracking down album covers, movie information, and scheduled programming all on its own. Just point the software to your audio repository and video library. It does the rest.

Microsoft has put a lot of thought into the 10-foot interface, too. Once you fire up Media Center, you can almost forget about the underlying platform running in the background (even though you’ll undoubtedly find yourself tabbing out to check email or search Wikipedia—I wanted to know more about the F-35 during Live Free or Die Hard). Flipping between music, movies, live television, Internet television, and photo albums with an IR remote is incredibly convenient and much more tailored to the content on your home network.

Let’s move on to the hardware inside this improved HTPC.

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How To: Build An HTPC (With Windows 7) : One Small Hawaiian Island At A Time...

by Chris Angelini

One Small Hawaiian Island At A Time...

I’ve been trying to build great HTPCs for several years, and several generations of PR folks at AMD (formerly ATI) have tried helping me piece together the right components to make my theater room shine. Incidentally, this is one niche where Nvidia has historically had little impact. Of course, those efforts have forever centered on All-in-Wonder graphics cards, which integrated 3D, OTA television reception, time-shifting, and video playback.

Not that anything was wrong with the AiW lineup—the cards demonstrated tremendous engineering prowess, as ATI managed to fit all of its multi-media strengths onto boards that didn’t compromise 3D viability. The AiW boards simply didn’t break down all of the barriers to getting PC technology into the living room, as attractive as they were.

Pardon the cabling mess; this project required a little re-wiring.

Pardon the cabling mess; this project required a little re-wiring.

Ironically, now that the All-in-Wonder family is all but deceased (with one lonely model representing), the age of the HTPC is arguably upon us.

You see, previously, incorporating an HTPC into a home entertainment rack almost felt like showing off, since much of its functionality would be redundant. Yeah, you could get a PC wedged in between the stereo receiver and the standalone DVD player. But so much of the concept’s functionality still depended on other components in the rack.

You’d run video from the graphics card out to a DVI input, ideally, or a component input if your TV didn’t have the digital connection. You’d run optical or coaxial audio to a stereo receiver, which would be responsible for taking that sound signal, decoding it, and outputting to the non-powered speakers typical in a theater.

Adding an HTPC just seemed superfluous. And with a Playstation 3 in the loop, sporting its almost instant-on and rich audio/video playback (plus wireless network connectivity), there’s almost no reason to power-on a PC and wait for it to boot up into a Media Center environment—until now.

Maui Makes Nice With The Living Room

AMD recently (actually, not so recently—it was late last year) sent us an example of its Maui platform, a collection of hardware that, put together, achieves a remarkable degree of living room functionality despite its desktop PC pedigree. We’ve had the hardware in an HTPC role for a few months now and recently shifted the system’s software environment from the Vista Ultimate/Media Center/TotalMedia Theatre configuration that AMD shipped to a more streamlined (at least we think so) Windows 7/PowerDVD build.


In this How To guide, we’ll explain why the HTPC now makes so much sense, we’ll show you the hardware that goes into our test platform (and how it all fits together), and we’ll walk you through using it with Microsoft’s Windows 7 beta, which should be shipping by the end of the year. Truly, this is the hardware/software configuration for which we've been waiting.

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